RDS Services
The MD Anderson Radiation Dosimetry Services (RDS) provides independent peer reviews of beam output for radiation dose delivery systems. Specifically, we provide output checks for external beam radiation therapy machines including:
- Megavoltage photon (2 – 25 MV)
- Electron (4 - 20 MeV)
- Orthovoltage (1.9 mm Al – 3 mm Cu HVL)
- Cobalt-60
Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) are available by mail to check the absorbed dose to the blood in irradiators used by blood banks. Packets of dosimeters are supplied; these can be placed at various locations to monitor the range of dose throughout the canister for a typical irradiation. These measurements are an independent check of the calibration of the blood irradiator as provided by the manufacturer.
Radiation Dosimetry Services also offers checks of:
- Total body photon
- Total skin electron
- Absorbed dose in blood irradiators