All Beams
Dosimetry Data
The majority of output checks performed by RDS show good agreement between doses measured by RDS and doses reported by the institution (RDS/institution ratio); 98.6% of all beams agreed within 5% and 90.9% agreed within 3%. Histograms and summary statistics for TLD/institution ratios (for the past 20 years, 2000 - 2019) are shown for All beams, and according to beam type, i.e., MV photon, Electron, and Orthovoltage beams.
For any radiation therapy beam output check outside ± 5% for MV photon and electron beams, or ± 10% for orthovoltage beams, the institution's physicists are contacted via email by RDS technical staff. Repeat irradiations may be requested by the physicist, to confirm corrective actions. Often discrepancies are indicative of incorrectly calibrated beams, misinterpreting the irradiation instructions, or errors in completing the irradiation form.